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Qld Labor gloves up for fight
2016/10/19 16:20:22

The Queensland Government says it will take the revamped Opposition seriously despite mocking it on the weekend.

It is the first working day for the new Queensland Liberal-National Party (LNP) and leader Lawrence Springborg has followed a packed morning of media interviews with the first staff meeting of the merged party.

"Welcome each and every one of you - we did it," Mr Springborg said to his LNP staff.

There was so much pomp and pizzazz at the LNP launch yesterday, it was unmistakably the first shots of the 2009 election campaign.

Premier Anna Bligh says the election will not be before next year, but Mr Springborg says his side is acting as if the campaign is on.

Mr Springborg says the new party does not guarantee success for the Opposition.

"We never know when the Premier is going to call the election, so for us we always have to be election-ready," he said.

Over the weekend, Queensland Treasurer Andrew Fraser dismissed it as a sham marriage.

But today Labor Ministers Geoff Wilson and Stephen Robertson say they are taking it seriously.

"I take nothing for granted and I don't believe the Bligh Government takes anything for granted," Mr Wilson said.

"We can't afford to relax for one moment," Mr Robertson said.

Deputy Premier Paul Lucas says the merger is potentially good for politics.

"It is a good thing if the Liberal and National parties can work together, but they have shown in the past time and time again that they fight," Mr Lucas said.

At ALP headquarters, Queensland secretary Anthony Chisholm has set up a website to highlight the differences between the old Liberals and Nationals.

But he too says he will not underestimate the LNP.

"We've always known the next election was going to be tough," he said.

"But what this website is about is highlighting the differences between these two parties.

"In recent history there have been 55 occasions when the Nats and Libs have voted against each other in Parliament."


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